Hi There,
My name is Eric O’Connor and I am a passionate amateur Photographer currently studying for a post graduate diploma with the Photography Acadamy of Ireland. For the past 25 years I have worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry and I have now embarked on a change in Direction with the intent to turn my passion into a future business. I reside on the South Coast of Ireland although I am originally from the West Coast, the sea and coastline have always peaked my interest and hence my love for landscapes and in particulare sea scape photography. I have yet to find my photographic niche and i invite you to join me on this journey. For me a photo is not just a snapshot in time, each photo must tell a story and connect with the viewer at some level emotionally.
I will be using this website to document my Journey through the post grad course of study, hopefully it may assist others on the same path and see my own photography skills grow.
I am married to Sian who is my rock and I have two children, Adam 12 and Emma 7.
This Website is very much a work in progress and will expand with future projects.
Welcome to my Journey
Eric O’Connor
Contact me via the form below